Category Archives: Uncategorized

Duke, our Canine team member

Coyotes and coywolves have become more prevalent in our area. Sometimes they come onto the farm and kill our livestock. Meet Duke, our guard dog. He’s a good fellow with us humans but doesn’t allow predators near our flock. Duke is 3/4 Central Asian Shepherd and 1/4 Akbash. He comes from an experienced trainer and… Read More »

Beechtree Farm Cattle in the News

It’s way too simplistic when people suggest “stop eating meat” as an action to reduce carbon emissions. Animal agriculture plays an important part of the solution. It’s HOW the animals are raised that makes all the difference. Attached is an article by the D&R Greenway about a research project in which Beechtree Farm is participating.… Read More »

35 years at Beechtree Farm

With a spirit of gratitude and joy Charlie and I celebrated living here at the farm for 35 years.We gave two anniversary presents to the farm, a new tractor and a new barn roof.

Grassfed Beef

Most of us by now have heard about the health, environmental and humane reasons why grassfed beef is far superior to industrially raised beef. There’s something more and it’s important, that is FLAVOR. I’ll never forget that first time I tasted our meat. It was an epiphany moment and I knew we were on the… Read More »

Back to the soil…

In grass farming, manure is an asset. It’s remarkable how quickly the cow “patties” break back down replenishing and reinvigorating the soil. It saddens us to hear that manure from industrial farming pollute the waters such as in the of the Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

Feast for the eyes

One of the great benefits of grassfed cattle is seeing these beautiful animals ls in their natural habitat. This lovely sight feeds heart and soul as well as body. 

Lambs almost all born

All but one of our ewes have delivered their beautiful lambs. Today is a big day because  the shearer comes. This time of year is intense in the lamb shed. But it’s also a great time for us as we work so closely with the sheep and become more closely acquainted with each other. Soon… Read More »

The Explorer

We were just headed over to our friend’s house for dinner and a game of Mah Jongg when an observant tenant at our second farm up the road called to tell us that our steer had taken off right through the high tensile fence and went into the preserved woodlands behind the farm These are… Read More »

More than grass

“Exclusively Grassfed”  and “Grassfed Goodness” are slogans we use to describe out meat. But as I gaze down while walking our pastures I am amazed at the diversity of plants our animals are eating. In one square foot are a myriad of plants, all offering different nutrients and minerals. Plantains, dandelions, burdock, shepherd’s purse, ajuga, chickweed.… Read More »